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Skill Retention

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Real Spiral Review

Forgetting Cycle
with Josh Britton

Josh Britton, Founder and CEO of Get More Math!

Listen to Josh describe a solution to the cycle of learning and forgetting during the school year and advocate for daily spiral review.

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Improve Long-Term Skill Retention

Get More Math helps students succeed, boosting student engagement and skill mastery. The result? Significant improvements in year-end exams.

Powerful Teacher Features

Teachers determine exactly what skills the students will practice for initial mastery. Further customize your experience under Settings to enable and disable features, rewards, goals, skips, exams, games and offline settings.

Learning Recovery: Free Guide

Math teachers at every level are facing an intensified version of the same old dilemma: how can students learn grade-level content if they don’t have mastery of concepts from prior grades?  Download our free 8 page guide today!

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Get More Math is different from anything you’ve ever seen before, let us show you why our teachers see real results that last!

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If you have been enjoying free access this school year, we trust you are seeing improvements in student motivation, achievement and grades. If you would like to continue using Get More Math into the next academic year, please request a quote and put an order in before July 31.  See our pricing page for volume discounts. We also have site license and multi year discounts available.  

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3500 +
Dynamically generated skills
1000000 +
Solved per school day
50 States
Using Get More Math!

Homeschool Family Access

Get More Math is a practice tool designed to consistently spiral through previous content to ensure long-term retention. Get More Math is designed to complement, not replace, existing math instruction. 

Meet with us to learn about FREE access for your whole school until July 2023!

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